It Identifies and evaluates electromagnetic pollution and radon gas.

It allows the appropriate measures to be taken to enjoy a naturalised space with the minimum possible harmful radiation.


To live and work in a healthy space is to be aware of the external conditions that affect our rest and recovery.

The measurements provide technical data that allow us to know a detailed understanding of the exposure to electromagnetic pollution in people’s daily lives and the possible health consequences.

It uses cutting-edge research by prestigious institutions such as the European Academy of Environmental Medicine (EUROPAEM) to obtain the necessary keys to improving the well-being of our home, our office and our environment.



Study of electromagnetic radiation

The standards of Bioinitiative and the Institut für Baubiologie are aplied. They are international references of health in the habitat.

I’m coming to your home or office. I evaluat electromagnetic pollution and radon gas using state-of-the-art technical equipment.


geobiological study correction

The results are presented in writing. Depending on how they can affect people’s health, I will advise you on the best solution for each radiation.

I am an engineer and expert in bio-construction. Most of the time the solutions will be accessible and easy.


Solucions estudi de radiació electromagnètica

A healthy space reduces artificial radiation to the lowest possible values, especially during sleeping hours.

It is a new, more natural environment, which provides more suitable conditions for living.


Electric fields are produced by the potential difference. They constitute the area of space where the intensity of an electric force appears.

They act on people in such a way that field strengths can redistribute the loads of the different organs of the body, generating parasitic body currents that can disturb the fundamental biological processes of the human body.

electric field

The alternating magnetic field appears as soon as electricity is consumed. It  constitutes a magnetic force around the space through which electrons move.

They act on the human body through the induction effect. They are more penetrating than electric fields and their potential ability to affect fundamental biological processes is greater.

Magnetic field


Technical continuous magnetic fields are caused by ferromagnetic metals (such as steel used in construction) or by direct current (such as photovoltaic installations).

Their effect on humans are produced by the induction effect, in the same way as in alternating magnetic fields.

Campo magnético continuo

Radiations is transmitted wirelessly through the air, transporting energy from one place to another. They are mainly used to transmit information.

The European Academy of Environmental Medicine identifies long-term exposure with common symptoms such as concentration difficulties, depression, fatigue, sleep problems and more serious illnesses.

Antenna telephony and electromagnetic waves

Radioactivity is a physical phenomenon of some elements that emit high energy particles that have the property of passing through opaque bodies or ionizing gases.

It is radiation with sufficient energy to remove electrons from atoms in the cells of the human body and alter our genetic material.

Measuring gas radiated home

It is a radioactive noble gas that seeps through the building materials that are in contact with the ground and is concentrated in the enclosures that they delimit, especially those located on the lower floors and basements.

It causes serious damage to the skin and organs of the human body, especially the lungs.

radon gas


In the event that the measured radiation values exceed the recommended thresholds by the European Academy of Environmental Medicine(EUROPAEM), actions are proposed to reduce the power absorbed by people.

Regarding internal radiation sources, it is proposed that they be switched off, moved or replaced by low or non-emitting equipment.

In relation to external emission sources, the proposed solutions consist of moving away from the emission source or protecting oneself with the most appropriate technical materials such as curtains or special paints.


Study of a workplace

One-bedroom studio

Home study